Diary at Rose Cottage

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

With all of the beds newly mulched and with the roses in their first exhuberant bloom, we hosted a luncheon and garden tour for our friends and fellow volunteers from Mary's Garden at our home, Rose Cottage, in Fredericksburg, VA, on the first Thursday in June. The menu included beef and pork tenderloin sandwiches, avocado and orange salad, tomato and cucumber salad, Waldorf salad, and strawberry shortcake. As guests walked through the gardens, they sipped iced tea, lemonade, and wine. They were particularly interested in the new armillary in the bed of miniature roses and Oriental and Asian lillies. The beautiful armillary made by Virginia Metalcrafters was purchased with a gift certificate from Mary's Gardeners to us after our third year of service as their director/coordinators. The day was beautiful and sunny.